Prither Pal Singh


Die einstigen Kontrahenten in Missouri über die Natur von Nazi-Deutschland, einerseits die konservative Elisabeth Noelle aus Deutschland, andererseits der Sozialist Prither Pal Singh aus Indien, standen sich in ihren späteren Berufskarrieren in Nichts nach. Während Elisabeth Noelle-Neumann eine der wichtigsten Kommunikationsforscherinnen in Deutschland wurde, wurde Prither Pal Singh einer der wichtigsten Kom-munikationsforscher in Indien.




Archana Puran Singh

Short Biography of PP Singh

Born on 3rd October, 1910 at Lakhimpur Kheri (UP), Prof. Prith Pal Singh did Law from Lucknow University. Thereafter, he practised in the Chief Court on Oudh from 1932 to 1936. But he had a deep craving for journalism. He decided to go abroad for higher education in the same. He returned to India in Oct. 1938 after completing the Diploma Course in Journalism from London University and securing Master’s Degree from Missouri University, Colombia, U.S.A. When he was in London, Jawaharlal Nehru invited him to return to Indian and join National Herald. But when he arrived in Lucknow in Oct. 1938, Mr. T.N. Singh (later Governor, West Bengal) had just joined the prospective post. Soon the Pioneer offered Mr. P.P. Singh an identical post. Later, he served the International News Service – the fore-runner of America’s U.P.I. He also functioned as U.P.’s Director of Information and Publicity during 1946-47 and was the Chief Editor of the Department’s Hindi, English & Urdu journals. He was also editor of a Lucknow Hindi Daily, Navin Bharat for some time and Assistant Editor of a monthly magazine, Sudha. He wrote a weekly column in the Tribune, Lahore, for several years. Often, he went to the rescue of AIR for preparing commentaries in Hindi on current affairs. In 1941, he took up the establishment of the first full-fledged Dept of Journalism of the Punjab University. He headed this dept for as long as three decades and retired as Professor and Head of Journalism from the Panjab University Chandigarh in July 1973. The department set up by him is the oldest school of journalism in the country. It may be located on the link provided here: