Mr. P. P. Singh who wrote the following reaction to
the present Germany way of surmounting iniquities of the Versailles Peace is a
graduate of the universities both Allahabad and London, and is at present a
graduate student at the University of Missouri.
Editor, the Missourian:
Concerning your Reader McVey’s query about an
expended definition of Nazism may I suggest a meaning for the term?
Hitler, once a comparatively destitute house painter
and now dictator of Germany, founded the political movement Naziism. His book
„Mein Kampf“ is the political gospel of his followers.
Hitler hated Jews. He considered Communists the cause
of much misery and looks upon the treaty of Versailles to Germany’s self-respect
and a death-sentence to her future. Hitler was no friend of democratic
parlamentarism either. His cult waged war against everything he hated.
Naziism aimed to abolish marxian democracy and
replace it with German “democracy“ or dictorship which may described as the
“free election of the leader who has to assume full responsibility for all he
does and for all the refrains from doing. There is no majority vote to settle
specific questions, but merely the decision of a single person who has then to
stand up for his decision whether it cost him his property or even his life.“
Naziism did not agree with marxian internationalism.
It laid emphasis on nationalism to extend of banning everything not of pure German
blood and origin. Germany was predominantly Communistic when Hitler launched his
movement. He had to win the sympathy and support of the masses, before he could
hope to make them staunchnationalists. He decided to advocate socialism.
He floated a program for his party with twenty-five
points. The program is the crux of his cult. It demanded the union of all Germans in a
greater Germany, denounced the treaty of Versailles and Saint Germain, claimed the
colonies, confined German citizenship to persons of German stock, thereby
barring all Jews, restricted German jobs to persons of German origin, stressed prevention
of immigration of non-Germans, demanded nationalization of trusts,
participation in the profits of big concerns and expropriation of land for communal
purposes without compensation.
Naziism is a fascist movement. It differs with the
fascist cult in so far as it is slightly socialistic in its attidute towards economic
questions. Fascists taboo everything that smacks of socialism. Naziism and Fascism are
otherwise alike. They are the twin brothers under the influence of evil stars. They may
have saved the countries of their birth from disaster, but they are the greatest foes
of world peace, today.
Austrian-born dictator of Germany, Herr Hitler, who
was refused citizenship of Germany for fourteen years, is now preaching
nationalism and racial purity with venegance! He was swept out 500,000, out of a total
population of 600,000 Jews from Germnay, including some of the most talented
scholars, scientists, artists and philosophers.
The rest have lost their powers and privileges and
Nazi sword constantly hangs on their heads. Anti-Semitism was employed by Hitler to
excite fanatical tribe-conciousness to unite ninety-nine per cent of German population
for his program.
“Talk of purity of German stock is sheer nonesense“,
says Everett R. Clinchy, “Eastern Germany is said to be sixty per cent Slavic
population, now Germanized, while Southern Germany is forty per cent Celtic.“
“For our liberation,“ Hitler is quoted, campaiging,
“We need… spite, hatred, and once mor hatred.“ Hitler has built the modern Germany on
spite and hatred.
Hitler may be acclaimed as the saviour of Germany,
but his hatred for Jews and their ruthless persecution is monstrous. Balzac, the French
writer, rightly said:“Hatred is the vice of narrow souls, they feed it with all their
littlenesses and make it the pretext of their base tyrannies.“
Wishing to furnish readers with a German version of
Nazi rule simultaneously with a contributed disapproval of the Hitler regime, the
Missourian asked Miss Elisabeth Noelle, exchange graduate at Missouri from University
of Munich to give her views.
Her statement follows:
The term National-Socialism is generally pronounced
with a note of antagonism in the United States.* The reason is that only a few
people know the meaning of the term. In the following discussion I shall endeavor to
describe briefly the essential meaning of National-Socialism.
The origin of National-Socialism lies in the reaction
of the German people against the treaty of Versailles** and the conditions arising
from this treaty. The movement is a reaction against the loss of the German colonies and
about 50,000 square miles of German territory, against the confiscation of the
entire private and state property abroad: against constant draining the country of its
wealth through reparation payments which brought about the annihalation of the
German middle classes.*** It is an organised object of the confiscation of the German
merchant fleed and the loss of foreign markets which offered the only opportunity of
bringing money and work back to the German industries and laboring classes. It is
a reaction against steadly increasing unemployment with its 7 million jobless
people to which finally belonged one-third of the total population capable of work – a
condition which formed a hot bed for the growing communism.
This political experiment, however, had just killed
80,000 priests, 500,000 peasants and over 1 million „bourgois“ in nearby Russia.
Finally, National-Socialsms, is the reaction to loss
of national pride, to complete helplessness of a disarmed Germany admidst feverlably
rearming nations, to the disapperance of national self-preservation, to the
rapidly decreasing birth rate, to overruling of the cultural and economical life
through extending influence of Jews caused by the fact that in Germany after the war
about 70-90 per cent of the key positions in medicine, law, the press, the theaters, and a
large part of government positions were in the hand of the Jews, although they
constituted only one per cent of the population. This situation endangered German cultural
life and national unity.
Germany saw only two ways out of this situation:
Either to fight off by national ideals and inevitable fate or hopelessly to resign herself
and await her own deterioration and extinction.
The German people considered themselves to be too
valuable of the world-family to pass out of existence. Yet the thirty-three parties
of the German post-war democracy apparently were neither capable agreeing upon a
single measure of relief nor of acting. Consequently the German people elected and
they actually did elect as their leader Adolf Hitler, who in this time of indecision
had laid down the system of national defense in his book: “Mein Kampf“ and in
the twenty-five points of the party program of the National-Socialists.
Hitler’s rise to power appears not to be foreign to
American practice. In this country even the poorest farm boy may have the opportunity of
becoming President. Hitler came neither from a military cast nor from the social
elite but he had worked his way up from poor mason to he highest political position.
National-Socialism as developed by Hitler has been
described as a reaction. Consequently it is subject to time and place, i. e.
it is created for German conditions and it is not to be imported to other contries. Every
propositon of the movement springs from the abnormal conditions of post-war
Germany. National-Socialism employs the principle of leadership. The conviction
is held that present Germany fares better if one man acts than if a hundred
hesitate. Better if this one man is responsible with his life than hundreds avoid
This principle rests in the confidence that one
out-standing man has sounder jugdement than a hundred mediocre ones.
National-Socialism has the maxim:“ Public welfare above self-interest“, for it appeared very
doubtful that the hopeless situation of Germany could remedied if each individual would
continue to act for his own interest only. This maxim demands readiness to sacrifice and
restricts individual liberty if the independence of the entire nation is at stake.
National-Socialism does not recognize any classes but
only the “people’s community“ based on the equality of rights. It does not
acknowledge nobility by birth but only the “nobility of labor“.
In regard to the principle of nationality,
National-Socialism stands for equality of rights and independence of all nations and believes in the
necessity of mutual respect. For this reason National-Socialism rejects war of
aggression but considers a war of defense necessary for national existence.
It is the conviction of the ideology that a nation
contributs most to universal cultural progress, if this nation develops and preserves its
national character. National-Socialism is opposed to the mixture of races because
it sees herein a danger to the maintenance of national character, since history
shows sufficient examples that the downfall of great nations has set in with the mixing
of races.
National-Socialism regards religion as a private
affair of the individual, but demands that state and church mutually respect their separate
National-Socialism founded on these principles cannot
be imported to other countries. It is suitable for Germany only. The German people
are only to aware of the fact that every country has to develop ist own system of
government based upon its needs and requirements. And this Germany has done.
Editor’s note: * Except by American Jews the present
Nazi rule probably is regarded more tolerantly in the United States than in any
other democracy. The whole American tradition of course recalls at political executions
and autocracy. But many Americans will grant that Hitler and Schacht
constituted perhaps the only hope in Germany’s post-war emergency.
** The injustice of the Versailles treaty is pointed
out in practically every university of the United States. Americans basic resentments of
German National Socialism arises from a fear that the clash of principle between
Fascism and democrcy and the militarism sponsered by Berlin and Rome may involve
Europe in a war into which American commercial interests might drag us.
*** As we understand it, Germany never actually paid
reparations: she borrowed to pay them, then declared herself unable to repay what
she borrowed. It was extreme monetary inflation that ruined German middle class
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